What To Do Pad
A notebook featuring three separate colored pads to organize "to do" lists by: Shop/Call/Do or Buy/Contact/Do
Keep lists organized by task
Also because a few of my close friends are pregnant (side note- and my sister...I'm going to be an AUNT!) I've been eyeing registries and found this cute boy theme for a nursery. Ah, Matie...
Certaintly a son of Dave's would dig this room! I love it too.

I've been browsing childrens photographers for inspiration and found this adorable shot. It says so much about how a child looks at the world. If you've seen Knocked Up, then you might remember the scene where the two men are talking about how they wish they could love anything as much as children love bubbles.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera."-- Dorothea Lange